Don't Let Regret Win.

Tired of feeling like you have gifts and experience that could make a difference, but you don’t do shit about it, not really, and you’re getting older, and there’s a part of you that is scared you’ll never do shit about it, and you’ll die not living your full life. Me too.

Here’s the problem. You’re in your own way. The bigger problem is that if you don’t get out of your own way, you’ll never do your most important work. If you don’t change who you are, you won’t change what you do.

Start your non profit. Grow your business. Write your book. Make your art. Sing your song. Serve. Do your thing. Full Time. Part Time. Volunteer.

It’s later than you think. Regret blows.

Dude, We Have a Big Problem.

There’s too many of us dying too soon. Anthony Bourdain is a public face of a private problem. It’s not just suicide. We’re rotting on the inside. Anxiety and lethargy are killing us.

As men of a certain age, over 40 or 50 or so, we’re in a unique spot.

We’re old enough to know better and young enough to do something about it. 

Our job, our role in life, as psychologist Erik Erikson reminds us, is to be a “generative leader,” to share our gifts and experience in the service of others. Finally, we’re ready to move from being Luke Skywalker to being Obi-Wan.

We’ve been around the block enough to know that our life, our best life, is about more than our life. My best life is about more than my success. My best life is about more than my pleasure. My best me is a we.

Here’s the deal. 

Life will keep asking you to grow up, to see yourself and your role in a new way.

You can either ignore it, or you can do something about it.

The rest of your life can be about success and/or pleasure, or the rest of your life can be about growth and service. One leads to anxiety. The other leads to lethargy. Both are shitty masters.

The other one leads to meaning and fulfilment. Choose well.


Hi. I'm Mike.

I’m just some dude. I’m not an expert. I’m a work in progress.

I’m not on tv. There are no letters after my name. I applied. They turned me down, something about streaking on a college campus, twice. For those that were there, the fountain was cold, both times. 

There was shrinkage. I swear. No bullshit. 

I owned a photography studio for 30 years. Now, I’m getting out of my way and doing my most important work.

If you’re looking for ideas, support, and accountability that will help you get out of your own way, find your voice, and do your shit that matters, we might be right for each other.

Can You Help Me Out?

I’m writing this book. 

It’s called, at least for now, Unravel – On Doing Shit That Matters Before I’m Dead.

You can find it on my blog. As I write, I post. You comment. 

Maybe I’ll add you to the book because you’re bitchin.

Can you help me finish it?

Maybe you could give me a push, give me some feedback, buy a signed copy before it’s published, be a case study, financially support my work…?

Anyway, you’ve got options. I appreciate the love.

Mike Adams by Annie Adams, age 5

You're The Most Interesting Man 
In The World.

There’s a part of you that feels called to a larger life, to make a difference, to make your life about more than your life, but there’s your other voice too. 

“You’re too old. Your ass is too flabby and too flat. Your balls are shrivelled. Who do you think you are? No one cares. What will your family and friends think?” It doesn’t shut up.

There’s a business, non profit, creative project, or volunteer work that only you can do, a way to share your gifts and experience, but you don’t. The website is still in your head. The guitar waits in the corner. Your book is a blank page… After years, maybe 5-10, you’re still on the side line. Regret blows.

Welcome to the club. You’re a reluctant hero. So am I, Luke Skywalker too. Bilbo Baggins. It’s a thing.

You got this. We need you.


When I’m Not Writing, I Talk.

Not All Public Speakers

Speak Like Public Speakers.

I promise to never say optimize, systemize, upsize, downsize, legitimize or any size word.

funny talks about serious stuff